About Judith Barsi

Who was Judith Barsi?

Judith Eva Barsi was born on June 6, 1978 and flew to heaven on July 25, 1988. Judith Barsi was a child actress of the 1980's. You may have seen some of her work and not even know it. She was in four TV movies, six big screen films including two animated movies, made several TV guest appearances, and was in 72 television commercials.

You can visit her page on the Internet Movie Database to find out more about her work; the link is at the bottom of the page.

As her career grew (she was raking in six figures by 1987), her father, Jozsef, grew more and more jealous of her. To get his mind off things, he would reach for a bottle. This made him abusive toward Judith and her mother, Maria. Jozsef would threaten to kill them and burn the house down, if they didn't come back home.  On one such occasion, right before Judith & Maria left for the Bahamas to film "Jaws IV," Jozsef broke out a huge butcher knife, pulled Judith's head back, placed the blade to her neck, and said that if they chose not to return, he'd find them and kill them. There was another time when there was a party at the Barsi house; Jozsef was upset because Judith was getting "too much attention," so he followed her into the kitchen and hanked her pony tail so hard that Judith wound up on the floor.

Another time Jozsef got so angry at Judith, he threw a frying pan at her and bloodied her nose. This guy was a piece of work. I'm sure there are several other instances of abuse that will go untold. As a daytime refuge, Maria rented an appartment for her and Judith. Maria rarely left Judith alone with Jozsef, because he would abuse Judith both physically & mentally. When she was home alone with Jozsef, Judith tried to spend most of her time outside, either riding bikes with her friends or playing with her dolls out back. In her final months, the abuse was starting to take its toll. In a fit of stress, she yanked out all her eyelashes, and de-whiskered her cat. She also gained a lot of weight.

Fast foward to the morning of July 25, 1988. Judith was going to spend the night at a friend's house, but plans fell through and she was at home. Sometime that early next morning, probably around 1:15, Jozsef snuck into poor Judith's bedroom with a handgun, found her laying in her bed, and shot her in the head. It is unknown if Judith heard him and woke up, but the best guess is yes. Jozsef may have even made Judith roll over on her side. Maria heard the gun go off and she came running down the hall to protect Judith. When Maria met Jozsef in the hall, she fell to her knees and tried to shield her head with her arms; Jozsef then shot her, as well.  Jozsef left the bodies were they were for two days. On July 27th at about 8:30 in the morning, he drenched both bodies in gasoline and set the house on fire. He then went into the garage, placed the gun to his own temple, and shot himself.

Judith and Maria were buried together in an unmarked grave on August 9th, 1988; the wherabouts of Jozsef's remains is a mystery, and to tell you the truth I really don't care what happened to him. Judith's grave was adorned with a headstone, bought by her fans, on Monday August 23, 2004. It took just over 16 years, but Judith's grave got marked. Maria also got her marker on Friday January 28, 2005.

Confusion exists over the exact date Judith and Maria were killed. Even though her death certificate states that she died on July 27th, Judith and Maria were in fact killed on the 25th; they were DISCOVERED on the 27th, and that's why the death certificate states that date.

Judith's story lives on though a growing number of tribute sites and a fan base whose population is exploding. Most stumble upon her by accident, myslef included. They search for "that voice" in "The Land Before Time." Or, in my case, I was on the Internet Movie Database looking up people who made guest appearances on various TV shows to see if they were still active (Judith was on two episodes of "Punky Brewster").

Several more people find about Judith's life every day.  I encourage you to leave flowers for Judith & Maria at FindAGrave.com. Also considder visiting Judith's message board and signing her guestbook. Judith Eva Barsi was taken from us almost two decades ago, but to people who are just finding out about her, it doesn't seem like that long.

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